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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:

Participants: Tobias, Juliane, Markus, Silvio, Viet N., Alex, Isabell, Elisa, Franzi, Kai Michael, Julia, Viet D., Duck<br/>
Participants: Tobias, <br/>
Protocol: Juliane <br />
Protocol: <br />
Head of meeting: Tobias
Head of meeting: Tobias
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
= Meeting Part =
= Meeting Part =
=== Reports ===
=== Reports ===
==== Protocol Changes ====
*last protocol takes a long time to rework
*solution to fix that problem:
**add rules for reports
**# number of participants
**#* total number
**#* split in faranto and non faranto (if necessary)
**#* split in list and not listed (~)
**# costs
**#* total
**#* split in parts
**# event on a single day
**#* what was good
**#* what was not so good
**#* solutions or ideas to solve the problem
**# event which takes part over several days
**## day one
**##* what was good
**##* what was not so good
**##* solutions or ideas to solve the problem
**## day two
**##* …
**# reduce redundancy and repetitions
*last meeting english -> problems because members have different levels
==== 2.11.2017 - Länderparty #2 ====
==== 2.11.2017 - Länderparty #2 ====
*about 100 people joined in total
*what was good:
**participating countries were very active, good presentations
**a lot of food
**people were happy - good DJ
*what was not so good:
**some presentations are too long
**buffet starts too late -> people from “outside” were already there
*solutions or ideas to solve the problem
**only a maximum of 10 minutes speaking time
***reducing speaking time result in missing games, what we don’t want

==== 27.10.–29.10. - Local Platform in Dresden ====
==== 27.10.–29.10. - Local Platform in Dresden ====
*7 ESN sections of east Germany
*7 ESN sections of east Germany
* Markus, Tobias
* Event for newcomers
**early registration and money transfer until fix date  
**early registration and money transfer until fix date
*** no office hours, money is safe
**International Day with IB students as “lecture/seminar example”
*** but early publicity, more people transfer than places
**International Day with IB students and incomings as “lecture/seminar example”
**for advertising there are free templates available in www
**for advertising there are free templates available in www
*revive ESNters
*revive ESNters
** camping event
**Svenja (ESN Charité Berlin) & Clara (?) (ESN Halle) OC (???)
**Svenja (ESN Charité Berlin) & Clara (?) (ESN Halle) OC (???)
***share Out of Civilisation protocol with ESNters team (were to find??)
***share Out of Civilisation protocol with ESNters team (were to find??)
Zeile 70: Zeile 29:
***if want more come -> waiting list
***if want more come -> waiting list
**18 for Incomings
**18 for Incomings
**10,- € per person
**apply for other costs at Studentenwerk International Office
*create advertising
*create advertising
*paying with “first come first serve” or with registration?
*paying with “first come first serve” or with registration?
**deadline 16th November
**deadline 16th November
*Juliane, Claudia
*waiting list: Viet D., Tobias
==== 20.11. Militärhistorische Museum ====
*start 6pm till 9pm
*we need a guide to the museum
*for free
*Viet N., maybe Tobi

==== 23.11. 30 years ERASMUS+ ====
==== 23.11. 30 years ERASMUS+ ====
*together with ESN TU DD
*together with ESN TU DD
*with Birthday cake  
*with Birthday cake
*information stand
*information stand
* start with talent competition : 5-10 acts
** prices: 1. Laser-Tag for 20 people
*start 6pm
* boots with e.g. faranto and other associations for publicity
*10pm party -> matching system -> online registrations, 1 German + 1 incoming
* foto-screen
* TU brings: 11 posters, 200 flyers
* promotion video is finished

==== 28.11. Internationale Tag ====
==== 28.11. Internationale Tag ====
*again with mulled wine?
*again with mulled wine?
*who supports faranto team?
*who supports faranto team?
* win professors as sponsor, bronze 50€, silver 150€, gold badges 150€+
*starts at 3pm in front of Audimax
*ends approximately around 6pm
*next meeting, Judith will talk about the activities
*cooking coffee
*Hint: no association meeting in the evening
*Viet at 5pm

==== 30.11. Christmas Market Tour ====
==== 30.11. Christmas Market Tour ====
*who support and who takes lead?  
*who support and who takes lead?  
*who explained riddles?
*who explained riddles?
*treasure hunt as game
==== 02.12. St. Nicolas Tournier ====
*Silvio, Kai Michael
*maybe: Juliane, Isabell, Bert
==== 02.12. St. Nicolas Tournament ====
*team must be registered
*team must be registered
*advertising in fb
*advertising in fb
*who wants to join?
*who wants to join?
*Viet makes a team

==== 19.12. Christmas Party ====
==== 19.12. Christmas Party ====
*Chris Löwe confirmed date
*Chris Löwe confirmed date
*start at 5pm
*end 11pm
**cleaning between 11pm and 12pm
*room application written by FSR MaschBau → S-building 5th floor
*main organisator is Mr. Herr Wenke of FSR MaschBau
**1500,- € for drinks and cookies
**if somebody wants to help during preparations, your are welcome

=== ESN Events ===
=== ESN Events ===
==== 17.11.–19.11 - SpreeBreak in Berlin ====
==== 17.11.–19.11 - SpreeBreak in Berlin ====
*for program and information check last protocol
*for program and information check last protocol
*3 new places from ESN Freiburg
*1.30 p.m. Meeting at main station

Zeile 159: Zeile 76:
*faranto T-Shirt selling (10,- €)
*faranto T-Shirt selling (10,- €)
*adding e-mail address of new members
*adding e-mail address of new members
*we have new name badges

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