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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:

Participants: Elisa, Claudia, Franzi, Viet. N, Viet D., Toni, Tobi, Gustavo, Markus, Alexander <br/>
Protocol: Tobi <br />
Protocol:<br />
Head of meeting: Viet D. <br />
Head of meeting: Viet D. <br />
<br />
<ins> Hints for the Procole Writer: </ins> <br />
<u>Strukture of '''Reports''': </u>
1. Number of participants <br>
2. Costs<br />
3. Advantages<br />
4. Disadvantages<br />
5. Solution Findings of (4)<br />
<br />
'''reduce redundancy and repetitions!'''
<u>Strukture of '''Upcoming Events''': </u>
*1. Brainstorming
*2. Task of Helpers Bsp.
Viet: Cleaning Dishes
*3. Still To Do :) 
= Hints for the Procol Writer =
=== Strukture of Reports ===
<ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman">
  <li>Number of participants</li>
  <li>Day One
  <li>Solution Findings</li>
  <li>Day Two
  <li>Solution Findings</li>
  <li>Day Three

'''Please Reduce redundancy and repetitions!'''

=== Strukture of Upcoming Events ===
<ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman">
  <li>Task of Helpers Bsp.
    <li>Viet: Cleaning Dishes</li>
    <li>Tobi: Eating Food</li>
  <li>Still To Do :) </li>


= Meeting Part =
= Meeting Part =
=== Reports ===
=== Reports ===
==== 17.11-19.11 SpreeBreak ====
# Number of participants
#* 18 (incl. 3x faranto)
# Costs
#* total: 1198,8 (66,60 per Person [ cf. 4. meeting])
# Day One – Friday
#* Advantages
#** WhatsApp Group
#** everyone was always punctual
#* Miscellaneous
#** Club were OK, similar to our Länderparty – at first less people, later more
# Day Two – Saturday
#* Advantages
#** every Event was well organised
#* Disadvantages
#** 8 persons in one room when we have to get up early and only one bath
#* Solution
#** max 4 people per room
#** or don’t start the event at 8 o’clock am
#* Miscellaneous
#** Visiting Bundestag
#** City Tour
#** Checkpoint Charly
#** Wall of Berlin
#** East Side Gallery
# Day Three – Sunday
#* Advantages
#** group seperating
#* Disadvantage
#** Museum visit → combination of:
#*** check out (takes some time)
#*** who wants to join
#* Solution
#** ask Incomings in the evening one day before
# General Miscellaneous
#* increase number of tickets to 20 persons
#* Berlin-Brandenburg Ticket were a good idea, because most local public transports are included

==== 17.11-19.11SpreeBreak ====
*I.) Number of participants <br />
*II.) Costs <br />
*III.) Advantages <br />
*IV.) Disadvantages <br />
*V.) Solution Findings of (IV) <br />

==== 20.11. Semper Opera - Die Zauberflöte ====
==== 20.11. Semper Opera - Die Zauberflöte ====
*; Number of participants :
*I.) Number of participants <br />
** total: 35
*II.) Costs <br />
*III.) Advantages <br />
*; Costs :
*IV.) Disadvantages <br />
** total: 420,- €
*V.) Solution Findings of (IV) <br />
** per Incoming: 10,- €
** of DAAD LEI or Studentenwerk 11,- € per card ''(TODO)''
*; Advantage :
** 15 more people joined
** translated text of the opera were very good
** last minute offer (in front of the Opera)
** opera in general
*; Disadvantage :
** last minute offer (in front of the Opera) → regarding to our next opera event
*** Incomings may wait until last minute, because there are still more cards available
** start of the opera was a bit childish but changed later
** seats in the opera (group were separated)
*; Solutions :
** order seats in one (max two) group(s)
** don't tell them that there are still tickets available before we have sold both events
*** maybe we sell tickets together → easier for us to handle advertising 

==== 20.11. Militärhistorische Museum ====
==== 20.11. Militärhistorische Museum ====
*; Number of participants :
*I.) Number of participants <br />
** 10
*II.) Costs <br />
*III.) Advantages <br />
*; Costs :
*IV.) Disadvantages <br />
** free
*V.) Solution Findings of (IV) <br />
*; Advantages :
** every one was punctual
** lot of information (from medieval age until now)
** plates are in German and English
** lot of war stories

*; Disadvantages :
** groups are seperated
** no list of participants were available

*; Solutions :
=== Upcoming Events === <!-- Eventplan Zeigen -->
** prepare list for next visit

=== Upcoming Events ===
==== 23.11. 30 years ERASMUS+ ====
==== 23.11. 30 years ERASMUS+ ====
*; Brainstorming
*1. Brainstorming
** [ cf. 5. meeting]
*2. Task of Helpers Bsp.  
** Talent Show starts at 6 o'clock pm
Viet: Cleaning Dishes
** Party starts at 10 o'clock pm
*3. Still To Do :)
*document for poster spreading
*; Task of Helpers :
*ask language teacher about telling about the event after classes
** hang up posters
*flyers in HTW, Sprachlabor
*** 6x University (Markus)
*** 3x Hochschulstr. (Alexander)
*** 1x Borsbergstr. (Elisa)
*** 1x Gutzkow (Viet D.)
*** 1x Reichenbachstr. (Viet D.)
*** 3x St. Petersburger Str. (Viet N.)
** setup stand
*** Markus & Viet N.
** entrance
***Viet N. at 10pm
***Viet D. at 11pm
***Toni    at 12pm
***Gustavo jumper
*; TODO :
** invite interested people who wants to join faranto
==== 28.11. International Day ====
*; Brainstorming
** [ cf. 6. meeting]

*; Task of Helpers
==== 28.11. Internationale Tag ====
** setup up stand and buy things
*1. Brainstorming
*** Gustavo
*2. Task of Helpers Bsp.  
**** coffee 3x
Viet: Cleaning Dishes
**** cookies different types 6x
*3. Still To Do :)
** stand management
*** every one who is available
** Tobi:
*** write Robert D., Markus J.
*** create registration List for interested people
*** create donation receipt
*** bring flyer back into faranto office
** Viet D:
*** write Amin
==== 30.11. Christmas Market Tour Dresden ====
==== 30.11. Christmas Market Tour Dresden ====
*; Brainstorming :
*1. Brainstorming
** tour information will be send by email
*2. Task of Helpers Bsp.  
Viet: Cleaning Dishes
*; Helpers :
*3. Still To Do :)
** Gustavo
** Toni
** Silvio
** Viet D.
** Viet N.
** Isabell
** Kai Michael ?
** Claudia ?
** Tobi ?
*; TODO :
** Tobi: cf. first point
==== 02.12. St Nicholas Tournament (volleyball) ====
==== 02.12. St Nicholas Tournament (volleyball) ====
*; ToDo :
**Tobi: send Viet N. email address of Andreas S.
**Viet N.: apply faranto Team until 28th November!

*1. Brainstorming
*2. Task of Helpers
**Viet: Cleaning Dishes
**Tobi: Eating Food
*3. Still To Do :)
**Bis zum 28.11 sollte die Rückmeldung erfolgen!

== Internal ==

== Internal ==
==== Free Positions ====
==== Free Positions ====
*Advertising for Events
*Advertising for Events
Zeile 224: Zeile 91:

==== Members Fee and ESN Cards ====
==== Mitgliedsbeitrag und ESN Cards ====
*Beratende Mitglieder (advisory member)
*Beratende Mitglieder (advisory member)

*semester member fee: 5,- €
*semester member fee: 5,- €
*faranto T-Shirt selling (10,- €)
*faranto T-Shirt selling (10,- €)
==== Misc. ====
* no meeting on 28th
* but we will meet in the evening (~ 6 to 7) in Zapfanstalt Sebnitzer Str. 15
** Tobi: order for 15 people

Zeile 244: Zeile 103:
*Königsbrücker Straße 96,
*Königsbrücker Straße 96,
'''Comment of the Minutes'''
The media wiki format style in ''20.11. Semper Opera'' is recommended,
to work with roman numbered lists makes the text very confusing.

[[Kategorie:Internationales]] [[Kategorie:Faranto]] [[Kategorie:Zusammenarbeit]]
[[Kategorie:Internationales]] [[Kategorie:Faranto]] [[Kategorie:Zusammenarbeit]]

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