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Der [[Server/Hauptsystem | Artikel ''Server/Hauptsystem'']] dient zur Dokumentation des hauptsächlichen Systems des [[Server]]s (unseres [[StuRa]]).

= [[dicke Berta]] =
== Dicke Berta ==

{{:Server/dicke Berta}}

= [[fette Elke]] =
== Fette Elke ==

Supermicro SuperServer 5016T-MTFB

== Siehe auch ==

* [[Server/Jails | Alle vorhandenden Jails]]
* user angelegt
* ssh zugang configuriert/aktiviert
* Packetfilter aktiviert
* gateway aktiviert
* systemlog daemon aktiviert
* resolv.conf angelegt
* packetfilter configuriert
* packetfilter gestartet
* packetfilterlog gestartet
* auditd in rc.conf aktiviert und gestartet
* crontab eintäge getätigt für
** audit
** portaudit
** portsnap
* /etc/src.. installiert
* einrichten der jails
** srs1
** ...

=== Ports ===
[ ] DEBUGGING      Build with debugging support
[X] GDBM          Build GDBM_File extension
[X] PERL_MALLOC    Use Perl malloc
[X] PERL_64BITINT  Use 64 bit integers (on i386)
[X] THREADS        Build threaded perl
[X] MULTIPLICITY  Use multiplicity
[ ] SITECUSTOMIZE  Run-time customization of @INC
[X] USE_PERL      Rewrite links in /usr/bin
* portupgrade
[X] BDB4  Use Berkeley DB >=2 as backend
[ ] BDB1  Use Berkeley DB 1.85 as backend
* ruby18
[ ] ONIGURUMA  Build with oniguruma regular expressions lib
[X] RDOC      Build and install Rdoc indexes
[ ] DEBUG      Compile-in debug info
* screen
[ ] CJK          Treat CJK ambiguous characters as full width
[X] INFO          Build and install info documentation
[X] MAN          Build and install man pages
[X] NETHACK      Enable nethack-style messages
[ ] XTERM_256    Enable support for 256 colour xterm
[ ] HOSTINLOCKED  Print user@host in locked message
[ ] SHOWENC      Show encoding on the status line
* wget
[ ] GNUTLS  Support for SSL via GnuTLS
[X] IPV6    Support for IPv6
[X] NLS      Native Language Support with gettext
[X] OPENSSL  Support for SSL via OpenSSL
[X] IDN      Support IDN (Internationalized Domain Names)
[X] ZSH_GDBM      Enable GDBM support (GPL)
[X] ZSH_MEM        Enable zsh-mem and zsh-secure-free options
[X] ZSH_MAILDIR    Enable support for Maildirs in MAIL(PATH)
[X] ZSH_MULTIBYTE  Enable multibyte character support
[ ] ZSH_PCRE      Enable PCRE support
[ ] ZSH_STATIC    Build static executable
=== Jails ===
==== Standard installation ====
* libiconv
[X] EXTRA_ENCODINGS  Include extra character sets
[ ] EXTRA_PATCHES    Apply patches to fix CP932, add EUCJP-MS
* m4
[ ] LIBSIGSEGV  Use libsigsegv for better diagnostics
* perl 5.12.4
[ ] DEBUGGING      Build with debugging support
[ ] GDBM          Build GDBM_File extension
[X] PERL_MALLOC    Use Perl malloc
[X] PERL_64BITINT  Use 64 bit integers (on i386)
[X] THREADS        Build threaded perl
[X] MULTIPLICITY  Use multiplicity
[ ] SITECUSTOMIZE  Run-time customization of @INC
[X] USE_PERL      Rewrite links in /usr/bin
* portupgrade
[X] BDB4  Use Berkeley DB >=2 as backend
[ ] BDB1  Use Berkeley DB 1.85 as backend
* ruby18
[ ] ONIGURUMA  Build with oniguruma regular expressions lib
[X] RDOC      Build and install Rdoc indexes
[ ] DEBUG      Compile-in debug info
* zsh
[ ] ZSH_GDBM      Enable GDBM support (GPL)
[X] ZSH_MEM        Enable zsh-mem and zsh-secure-free options
[X] ZSH_MAILDIR    Enable support for Maildirs in MAIL(PATH)
[X] ZSH_MULTIBYTE  Enable multibyte character support
[ ] ZSH_PCRE      Enable PCRE support
[ ] ZSH_STATIC    Build static executable
==== SRS1 ====
noch nen Dump ziehen vom alten Plone4 und dann übertragen
===== Plone =====
Plone 4.0.5 via UnifiedInstaller installieren.
<code> --password=<password>  standalone
Plone 4.0.5 to 4.1 fehlgeschlagen
===== Ports =====
* Apache22
[X] THREADS              Enable threads support in APR
[ ] MYSQL                Enable MySQL support for apr-dbd
[ ] PGSQL                Enable PostgreSQL support for apr-dbd
[ ] SQLITE                Enable SQLite support for apr-dbd
[X] IPV6                  Enable IPv6 support
[ ] BDB                  Enable BerkeleyDB dbm
[X] AUTH_BASIC            Enable mod_auth_basic
[X] AUTH_DIGEST          Enable mod_auth_digest
[X] AUTHN_FILE            Enable mod_authn_file
[ ] AUTHN_DBD            Enable mod_authn_dbd
[X] AUTHN_DBM            Enable mod_authn_dbm
[X] AUTHN_ANON            Enable mod_authn_anon
[X] AUTHN_DEFAULT        Enable mod_authn_default
[X] AUTHN_ALIAS          Enable mod_authn_alias
[X] AUTHZ_HOST            Enable mod_authz_host
[X] AUTHZ_GROUPFILE      Enable mod_authz_groupfile
[X] AUTHZ_USER            Enable mod_authz_user
[X] AUTHZ_DBM            Enable mod_authz_dbm
[X] AUTHZ_OWNER          Enable mod_authz_owner
[X] AUTHZ_DEFAULT        Enable mod_authz_default
[X] CACHE                Enable mod_cache
[X] DISK_CACHE            Enable mod_disk_cache
[X] FILE_CACHE            Enable mod_file_cache
[X] MEM_CACHE            Enable mod_mem_cache
[X] DAV                  Enable mod_dav
[X] DAV_FS                Enable mod_dav_fs
[ ] BUCKETEER            Enable mod_bucketeer
[ ] CASE_FILTER          Enable mod_case_filter
[ ] CASE_FILTER_IN        Enable mod_case_filter_in
[ ] EXT_FILTER            Enable mod_ext_filter
[ ] LOG_FORENSIC          Enable mod_log_forensic
[ ] OPTIONAL_HOOK_EXPORT  Enable mod_optional_hook_export
[ ] OPTIONAL_HOOK_IMPORT  Enable mod_optional_hook_import
[ ] OPTIONAL_FN_IMPORT    Enable mod_optional_fn_import
[ ] OPTIONAL_FN_EXPORT    Enable mod_optional_fn_export
[ ] LDAP                  Enable mod_ldap
[ ] AUTHNZ_LDAP          Enable mod_authnz_ldap
[X] ACTIONS              Enable mod_actions
[X] ALIAS                Enable mod_alias
[X] ASIS                  Enable mod_asis
[X] AUTOINDEX            Enable mod_autoindex
[X] CERN_META            Enable mod_cern_meta
[ ] CGI                  Enable mod_cgi
[X] CHARSET_LITE          Enable mod_charset_lite
[ ] DBD                  Enable mod_dbd
[X] DEFLATE              Enable mod_deflate
[X] DIR                  Enable mod_dir
[X] DUMPIO                Enable mod_dumpio
[X] ENV                  Enable mod_env
[X] EXPIRES              Enable mod_expires
[X] HEADERS              Enable mod_headers
[X] IMAGEMAP              Enable mod_imagemap
[X] INCLUDE              Enable mod_include
[X] INFO                  Enable mod_info
[X] LOG_CONFIG            Enable mod_log_config
[X] LOGIO                Enable mod_logio
[X] MIME                  Enable mod_mime
[X] MIME_MAGIC            Enable mod_mime_magic
[X] NEGOTIATION          Enable mod_negotiation
[X] REWRITE              Enable mod_rewrite
[X] SETENVIF              Enable mod_setenvif
[X] SPELING              Enable mod_speling
[X] STATUS                Enable mod_status
[ ] UNIQUE_ID            Enable mod_unique_id
[ ] USERDIR              Enable mod_userdir
[ ] USERTRACK            Enable mod_usertrack
[X] VHOST_ALIAS          Enable mod_vhost_alias
[X] FILTER                Enable mod_filte
[ ] SUBSTITUTE            Enable mod_substitute
[X] VERSION              Enable mod_version
[X] PROXY                Enable mod_proxy
[X] PROXY_CONNECT        Enable mod_proxy_connect
[X] PATCH_PROXY_CONNECT  Patch proxy_connect SSL support
[ ] PROXY_FTP            Enable mod_proxy_ftp
[X] PROXY_HTTP            Enable mod_proxy_http
[ ] PROXY_AJP            Enable mod_proxy_ajp
[X] PROXY_BALANCER        Enable mod_proxy_balancer
[ ] PROXY_SCGI            Enable mod_proxy_scgi
[X] SSL                  Enable mod_ssl
[ ] SUEXEC                Enable mod_suexec
[ ] SUEXEC_RSRCLIMIT      SuEXEC rlimits based on login class
[X] REQTIMEOUT            Enable mod_reqtimeout
[ ] CGID                  Enable mod_cgid
[X] THREADS    Enable Threads in apr
[X] IPV6      Enable IPV6 Support in apr
[X] BDB        Enable Berkley BDB support in apr-util
[X] GDBM      Enable GNU dbm support in apr-util
[ ] LDAP      Enable LDAP support in apr-util
[ ] MYSQL      Enable MySQL suport in apr-util
[ ] NDBM      Enable NDBM support in apr-util
[ ] PGSQL      Enable Postgresql suport in apr-util
[ ] SQLITE    Enable SQLite3 support in apr-util
[X] DEVRANDOM  Use /dev/random or compatible in apr
[ ] COMPAT  dbm/ndbm compatibility
[X] THREADS          Enable thread support
[ ] HUGE_STACK_SIZE  Use a larger thread stack
[ ] SEM              Use POSIX semaphores (experimental)
[ ] PTH              Use GNU Pth for threading/multiprocessing
[X] UCS4            Use UCS4 for unicode support
[X] PYMALLOC        Use python's internal malloc
[X] IPV6            Enable IPv6 support
[ ] FPECTL          Enable floating point exception handling

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Abbrechen Bearbeitungshilfe (wird in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet)

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