Faranto e. V.:Faranto e. V./Sitzungen WiSe 16/17/Eventplan: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 79: Zeile 79:
* SE-Events (Viet)
* SE-Events (Viet)
* Get2know-Trip Leipzig ([[Faranto_e._V.:Faranto_e._V./Sitzungen_WiSe_16/17/3.Sitzung#Leipzig_Trip |Julia]]) (date not confirmed)
* Get2know-Trip Leipzig ([[Faranto_e._V.:Faranto_e._V./Sitzungen_WiSe_16/17/3.Sitzung#Leipzig_Trip |Julia]]) (date not confirmed)
* Christmas Market Tour ([[Faranto_e._V.:Faranto_e._V./Sitzungen_WiSe_16/17/3.Sitzung#Weihnachtsmarkt_Tour |Orga?]])
* Bowling (Orga?)
* Bowling (Orga?)
* Ice Skating ([[Faranto_e._V.:Faranto_e._V./Sitzungen_WiSe_16/17/3.Sitzung#Eislaufen |Margarete]])
* Theater (Orga?)
* Theater (Orga?)
* Sport Events (Orga?)
* Sport Events (Orga?)

Version vom 24. November 2016, 17:00 Uhr


Erasmus Student Network


Faranto e. V.


Eventplan - Wintersemester 2016/17

  • every Wednesday ICH - International Coffee Hour (5pm to 7pm)


04.-08. ESE
10. Länderparty - Germany
21.-23. Get2Know-Trip Prague
26. Transparent Manufacture
28. Running Dinner
30. Hiking Saxon Switzerland


04.-06 Spree Break Berlin
07. Länderparty - Russia, Jordan, Italia, France, Hungary
12. Teambuilding faranto only
24.-27. ESN NP Heidelberg (ESN DE) faranto only
25.-27. ESN Section Meeting in Dresden
faranto only
29. International Day of the HTW
Why should German students go abroad.
29. Christmas Market Tour
meeting at 4:30pm A building, faranto office


03. Nikolaustournier (Volleyball) - Team faranto vs. Team Lecturer and other teams
05. Länderparty -
07. visiting children's home Freital
baking German gingerbread, singing Christmas songs
07. X-Mas Tram non-faranto event
14. visiting children's home Freital
Christmas Celebration in the town hall Dresden
14. Opera Adventssingen (8pm)
15. Christmas Party + Karaoke


spontaneous Skiing (Marco)
09. Länderparty -
??. visiting children's home Freital
lugging with children


?? Farewell Party
18. Oper - Schwanensee (7pm)

Only Ideas

The following lines are only ideas, they are not confirmed and only as an reminder for the faranto team members.

  • Panometer (Tobi)
  • “Out of Civilisation”-Camp (Wolfgang) (standing by -> SoSe)
  • SE-Events (Viet)
  • Get2know-Trip Leipzig (Julia) (date not confirmed)
  • Bowling (Orga?)
  • Theater (Orga?)
  • Sport Events (Orga?)
  • Hygiene-Museum (Orga?)
  • Stracos Erlebniswelt (Erzgebirge) (Orga?)
  • HUSS Räucherkerzen Sehmtal (Orga?)
  • Fürst Pückler Park (poln. Grenze/Cottbus) (standing by -> SoSe)
  • Staffellauf Radebeul (Orga?)