StuRa:Server/SRS20/2016: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Wiki StuRa HTW Dresden
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Zeile 2: Zeile 2:

== Ports ==
== Ports ==
=== installierte Ports ===
=== Apache22 ===
=== konfigurierte Ports ===
==== Apache22 ====

Zeile 90: Zeile 91:
  [ ] CGID                  Enable mod_cgid
  [ ] CGID                  Enable mod_cgid

=== apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42 ===
==== apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42 ====

Zeile 105: Zeile 106:

=== gdbm ===
==== gdbm ====

Zeile 111: Zeile 112:

=== libxslt ===
==== libxslt ====

Zeile 118: Zeile 119:

=== mysql55-client ===
==== mysql55-client ====

Zeile 125: Zeile 126:

=== mysql55-server ===
==== mysql55-server ====

Zeile 132: Zeile 133:

=== openldap24-client ===
==== openldap24-client ====

Zeile 139: Zeile 140:

=== php5 ===
==== php5 ====

Zeile 155: Zeile 156:

=== php5-gd ===
==== php5-gd ====

Zeile 163: Zeile 164:

=== php5-mbstring ===
==== php5-mbstring ====

Zeile 169: Zeile 170:

=== php5-mysql ===
==== php5-mysql ====

Zeile 175: Zeile 176:

=== png ===
==== png ====

Zeile 181: Zeile 182:

=== python27 ===
==== python27 ====


Version vom 9. Oktober 2012, 20:56 Uhr

  • für limesurvey


installierte Ports

konfigurierte Ports


[X] THREADS               Enable threads support in APR
[X] MYSQL                 Enable MySQL support for apr-dbd
[ ] PGSQL                 Enable PostgreSQL support for apr-dbd
[ ] SQLITE                Enable SQLite support for apr-dbd
[X] IPV6                  Enable IPv6 support
[ ] BDB                   Enable BerkeleyDB dbm
[X] AUTH_BASIC            Enable mod_auth_basic
[X] AUTH_DIGEST           Enable mod_auth_digest
[X] AUTHN_FILE            Enable mod_authn_file
[ ] AUTHN_DBD             Enable mod_authn_dbd
[X] AUTHN_DBM             Enable mod_authn_dbm
[X] AUTHN_ANON            Enable mod_authn_anon
[X] AUTHN_DEFAULT         Enable mod_authn_default
[X] AUTHN_ALIAS           Enable mod_authn_alias
[X] AUTHZ_HOST            Enable mod_authz_host
[X] AUTHZ_GROUPFILE       Enable mod_authz_groupfile
[X] AUTHZ_USER            Enable mod_authz_user
[X] AUTHZ_DBM             Enable mod_authz_dbm
[X] AUTHZ_OWNER           Enable mod_authz_owner
[X] AUTHZ_DEFAULT         Enable mod_authz_default
[X] CACHE                 Enable mod_cache
[X] DISK_CACHE            Enable mod_disk_cache
[X] FILE_CACHE            Enable mod_file_cache 
[ ] MEM_CACHE             Enable mod_mem_cache
[X] DAV                   Enable mod_dav
[X] DAV_FS                Enable mod_dav_fs
[ ] BUCKETEER             Enable mod_bucketeer
[ ] CASE_FILTER           Enable mod_case_filter
[ ] CASE_FILTER_IN        Enable mod_case_filter_in
[ ] EXT_FILTER            Enable mod_ext_filter
[ ] LOG_FORENSIC          Enable mod_log_forensic
[ ] OPTIONAL_HOOK_EXPORT  Enable mod_optional_hook_export
[ ] OPTIONAL_HOOK_IMPORT  Enable mod_optional_hook_import
[ ] OPTIONAL_FN_IMPORT    Enable mod_optional_fn_import
[ ] OPTIONAL_FN_EXPORT    Enable mod_optional_fn_export
[ ] LDAP                  Enable mod_ldap
[ ] AUTHNZ_LDAP           Enable mod_authnz_ldap
[X] ACTIONS               Enable mod_actions
[X] ALIAS                 Enable mod_alias
[X] ASIS                  Enable mod_asis
[X] AUTOINDEX             Enable mod_autoindex
[X] CERN_META             Enable mod_cern_meta
[X] CGI                   Enable mod_cgi
[X] CHARSET_LITE          Enable mod_charset_lite
[ ] DBD                   Enable mod_dbd
[X] DEFLATE               Enable mod_deflate
[X] DIR                   Enable mod_dir
[X] DUMPIO                Enable mod_dumpio
[X] ENV                   Enable mod_env
[X] EXPIRES               Enable mod_expires
[X] HEADERS               Enable mod_headers
[X] IMAGEMAP              Enable mod_imagemap
[X] INCLUDE               Enable mod_include
[X] INFO                  Enable mod_info
[X] LOG_CONFIG            Enable mod_log_config
[X] LOGIO                 Enable mod_logio
[X] MIME                  Enable mod_mime
[X] MIME_MAGIC            Enable mod_mime_magic
[X] NEGOTIATION           Enable mod_negotiation
[X] REWRITE               Enable mod_rewrite
[X] SETENVIF              Enable mod_setenvif
[X] SPELING               Enable mod_speling
[X] STATUS                Enable mod_status
[X] UNIQUE_ID             Enable mod_unique_id
[X] USERDIR               Enable mod_userdir
[X] USERTRACK             Enable mod_usertrack
[X] VHOST_ALIAS           Enable mod_vhost_alias
[X] FILTER                Enable mod_filte
[ ] SUBSTITUTE            Enable mod_substitute
[X] VERSION               Enable mod_version
[ ] PROXY                 Enable mod_proxy
[ ] PROXY_CONNECT         Enable mod_proxy_connect
[X] PATCH_PROXY_CONNECT   Patch proxy_connect SSL support
[ ] PROXY_FTP             Enable mod_proxy_ftp
[ ] PROXY_HTTP            Enable mod_proxy_http
[ ] PROXY_AJP             Enable mod_proxy_ajp
[ ] PROXY_BALANCER        Enable mod_proxy_balancer
[ ] PROXY_SCGI            Enable mod_proxy_scgi
[X] SSL                   Enable mod_ssl
[ ] SUEXEC                Enable mod_suexec
[ ] SUEXEC_RSRCLIMIT      SuEXEC rlimits based on login class
[X] REQTIMEOUT            Enable mod_reqtimeout
[ ] CGID                  Enable mod_cgid


[X] THREADS    Enable Threads in apr
[X] IPV6       Enable IPV6 Support in apr
[X] BDB        Enable Berkley BDB support in apr-util
[X] GDBM       Enable GNU dbm support in apr-util
[ ] LDAP       Enable LDAP support in apr-util
[X] MYSQL      Enable MySQL suport in apr-util
[ ] NDBM       Enable NDBM support in apr-util
[ ] PGSQL      Enable Postgresql suport in apr-util
[ ] SQLITE     Enable SQLite3 support in apr-util
[X] DEVRANDOM  Use /dev/random or compatible in apr


[ ] COMPAT  dbm/ndbm compatibility


[ ] MEM_DEBUG  Enable memory debugging
[X] CRYPTO     Enable crypto support for exslt


[X] OPENSSL  Enable SSL support
[ ] FASTMTX  Replace mutexes with spinlocks


[X] OPENSSL  Enable SSL support
[ ] FASTMTX  Replace mutexes with spinlocks


[ ] SASL   With (Cyrus) SASL2 support
[ ] FETCH  Enable fetch(3) support


[X] CLI        Build CLI version
[X] CGI        Build CGI version
[ ] FPM        Build FPM version (experimental)
[X] APACHE     Build Apache module
[ ] AP2FILTER   Use Apache 2.x filter interface (experimental)
[ ] DEBUG      Enable debug
[X] SUHOSIN    Enable Suhosin protection system
[ ] MULTIBYTE  Enable zend multibyte support
[X] IPV6       Enable ipv6 support
[ ] MAILHEAD   Enable mail header patch
[ ] LINKTHR    Link thread lib (for threaded extensions)


[X] T1LIB     Include T1lib support
[X] TRUETYPE  Enable TrueType string function
[ ] JIS       Enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support


[X] REGEX  Enable multibyte regex support


[ ] MYSQLND  Use MySQL Native Driver 


[ ] APNG  Animated PNG support 


[X] THREADS          Enable thread support
[ ] HUGE_STACK_SIZE  Use a larger thread stack
[ ] SEM              Use POSIX semaphores (experimental)
[ ] PTH              Use GNU Pth for threading/multiprocessing
[X] UCS4             Use UCS4 for unicode support
[X] PYMALLOC         Use python's internal malloc
[X] IPV6             Enable IPv6 support
[ ] FPECTL           Enable floating point exception handling

ohne config

  • www/limesurvey

Konfiguration der Programme


  • httpd.conf
<IfModule php5_module>
 DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
ServerName <domain>:80
Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
ServerTokens ProductOnly
ServerSignature Off
  • /extra/httpd-ssl.conf
Listen <IP>:443
<VirtualHost <IP>:443>
Serveradmin <mailadresse>
Servername <domain>
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile  "/usr/local/www/apache22/data/ssl/certs/cert.pem"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "/usr/local/www/apache22/data/ssl/key/key.pem"
SSLCACertificateFile  "/usr/local/www/apache22/data/ssl/certs/cazertifikate.pem"
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \
nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
  • /extra/httpd-vhost.conf

NameVirtualHost <IP>:80
<VirtualHost 1<IP>:80>
   ServerAdmin webmaster@<domain>
   DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/limesurvey/"
   ServerName <domain>
   RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
   RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !443
    RewriteRule (.*) https://<domain> [R]

  • data/
    • impressum.html erstellt
    • images/
      • image00.jpg
      • image01.png


  • config.php
$databasepass       =   '<mysqlpassword>';
$defaultuser        =   '<adminusername>';
$defaultpass        =   '<password>'; 
$siteadminemail = '';
$siteadminbounce = '';
$siteadminname = 'StuRa HTW Dresden';

SQL Import

  • limesurvey/admin/cmdline_importsurvey.php

php cmdline_importsurvey <File to import> [<user> <password>]



/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server onestart

Password setzen

mysqladmin -u <benutzer> password <password>

Konfiguration des System



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