Faranto e. V.:City Rallye/SoSe13

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Hauptartikel: City Rallye Dresden


Datum: _____

Ansprechpartner: _____

Notfall-Telefon: ____

Treffpunkt: Haupteingang vor dem Z-Gebäude, ___ Uhr

Beginn: ___ Uhr

Ende: ca. ___, am Treffpunkt, Punktezählung


  • Zufällige Einteilung in Gruppen, am besten 4 Gruppen à etwa 8 Personen
  • 1 Begleiter pro Gruppe
  • Kodex: Keine Antworten verraten, keine Tipps geben, nur im Notfall eingreifen und lenken, Gruppe die Route selbst finden lassen
  • Begleiter erklärt an den Stationen Theaterplatz, Frauenkirche, Fürstenzug und Zwinger die Aktionen, stoppt die Zeit
  • 6 Stationen, jeweils Fragen zur Station beantworten, an 4 Stationen gibt es Aktionen
  • Bei allen Aktivitäten viele Bilder machen (Aufgabe der Gruppenbegleiter)
  • Immer Zeit und eventuelle Ergebnisse und Bemerkungen aufschreiben

Antworten der Zusatzfragen

  • Einwohnerzahl Dresden: 507.513 (Stand 31. Dezember 2007)
  • Berühmtes Kneipen- und Barviertel: Neustadt

Erfindungen aus Dresden

Filtertüte (Melitta Bentz), Bierdeckel (1880), Büstenhalter, Erstes deutsches Pilsner, Die erste industriell gefertigte , Kondensmilch, Die erste Milchschokolade und künstlichen Mineralwasser, das erste Mundwasser der Welt (Odol), die erste Schuhcreme in der Tube, die erste Spiegelreflexkamera, das erste europäische Porzellan (Umgebung), der erste Teebeutel, die erste Zahnpastatube der Welt

Städte die von Dresden aus direkt angeflogen werden

Amsterdam, Zürich, Wien, Antalya, Hurghada, Palma de Mallorca, Debrecen, Burgas, Faro, Monastir, Varna, Kanaren, Balearen, Griechische Inseln, Frankfurt a.M., München

Theaterplatz Telefonzelle: Menschen in Telefonzelle

  • So viele Menschen wie möglich in die Telefonzelle bekommen
  • Passanten können helfen
  • Tür muss schließen
  • Alle Personen in(!) Telefonzelle
  • Max. Zeit: 3 Minuten
  • Punkte = Anzahl Personen (Rekord: 11)


  • Deutsche Nationaldichter: Schiller und Goethe
  • Werbung mit der Semperoper macht: Radeberger

Brühlsche Terrasse: Tuch umdrehen (alt)

  • Alle Personen auf das Tuch
  • Umdrehen auf Zeit
  • Tuch darf nicht verlassen werden sonst Strafzeit: +10sek oder Verstöße zählen
  • Max. Zeit: 2 Minuten
  • Punkte nach Rangliste


  • Stufen: 41
  • Figuren symbolisieren: vier Tageszeiten Morgen, Mittag, Abend, Nacht (oben links der Morgen, oben rechts der Mittag, unten links der Abend, unten rechts die Nacht)

Frauenkirche: Martin Luther umringen (alt)

  • Menschenkette Hand in Hand im die Statue & Stufe bilden
  • Passanten können helfen ==
  • Auf Zeit: Max. Zeit: 4 Minuten
  • 5 Punkte für Erfolg


  • Datum der Bombardierung: 13.02.1945 (der Einsturz erfolgte am 15.02.1945)
  • Höhe: 91,23 m
  • Anteil alter Steine: 25 % (falsch)

Fürstenzug: Gruppenbild

  • Eine Szene nachstellen
  • Bild mit Digitalkamera
  • Passanten können helfen
  • Lustigstes/kreativstes Bild gewinnt
  • Punkte nach Rangliste


  • erster: Konrad der Große, letzter: Georg
  • Teile: ca. 25.000
  • Berühmtester Herrscher: August der Starke

Zwinger: Walzer mit Bevölkerung

  • 3 Personen müssen mindestens 10sek. Walzerschritte tanzen mit einem Passanten
  • 2 Punkte pro Paar


  • Raffael-Gemälde: Sixtinische Madonna
  • Material Glocken: Meißner Porzellan


City Rallye through Dresden

There are six stations and you have to find the way to these stations on your own. However, you are allowed to ask passengers. At each station you have to complete a task under time pressure. If you complete the task, you as a group will get some points. In addition, there is a list of questions which includes interesting facts about Dresden and its surroundings. You will get more points if you give right answers to the listed questions. In case that you need help to complete the tasks and answer the questions, again, don't be afraid to ask people passing by! The team which has the most points and arrives at the meeting place in time at the end of this rallye will win.

Name of the team: (be creative and make up a funny name)


Extra Questions

1) How many people live in Dresden? (1 point)


2) What is the name of the famous quarter where you can find most of the bars and pubs? (1 point)


3) Name 5 things that have been invented in Dresden. (5 points)




4) Dresden has a big airport. Name 5 cities outside of Germany where you can go to by plane directly. (5 points)






The “Theaterplatz” is a historical site of the city, famous for its construction. Here you have the “Semperoper” which was built from 1871 to 1878. It is named after the famous architect Gottfried Semper. The Opera seems very elegant, dignified and festive and it houses the Saxon State Opera. The “Semperoper” is not one of the biggest but probably one of the most beautiful operas in Europe.


task: Sing the European Anthem in front of the “Semperoper!” Remember, you are the world’s greatest opera stars. No matter how bad your voice might sound, try to look as professional as possible!

solved: Yes/No

time: _______________

notes: _______________


There are two German poets flanking the entrance portal of the opera. What are their names? (2 points)


Which well-known German brand advertises with the “Semperoper”? (1 point)


Brühlsche Terrasse – „Balcony of Europe“

The “Brühl’sche Terrasse” is a former fortress at the riverside. From 1739 on it was changed into a baroque style under the management of Minister Brühl. Since 1814 it is accessible to the public. There have been significant changes at the end of the 19th century: the Academy of Arts, the Parliament and the Albertinum were built and shape the skyline of Dresden until today. Beneath the terrace you can find parts of the old fortress like the court of canons and casemates.


task: Try to get as many people into the telephone cabin as possible! (1 person = 1 point) – the telephone cabin is situated between “Theaterplatz” and “Brühl’sche Terasse” right at the river side.

solved: Yes/No

time: _______________

notes: _______________


How many steps do you have to climb to get to the “Brühl’sche Terrasse”? (if you start from the side of the “Theaterplatz”) (1 point)


What do the four figures at the stairs symbolize? (if you start at the side of the “Theaterplatz” and climb the stairs towards the Brühlsche Terrasse) (1 point)


Frauenkirche – the Church of our Lady

The “Frauenkirche” is a masterpiece of the European baroque. It was created by George Bähr, built from 1726 to 1743. During the Second Worldwar, in February 1945, it was destroyed. The reconstruction, supported by donations from countries all over the world, began in 1994. Since 2005 the “Frauenkirche” dominates the skyline of Dresden and is considered as a symbol of international conciliation after the Second World War.


task: Dance the Harlem Shake in front of the “Frauenkirche” in the craziest way you can imagine! Make a video! Ask people to join you. For every stranger you can convince to participate you get 1 extra point!

solved: Yes/No

time: _______________

notes: _______________


What is the exact date of the destruction of the “Frauenkirche”? (1 point)


What is the height of the church? (1 point)


How many bricks of the “Frauenkirche” are old ones (meaning, how many of them were reused after the destruction of WW II)? (1 point)



The “Fürstenzug” is one of the most famous sights of Dresden. It is 102 meter long and shows in total 94 larger-than-life persons: there are princes and kings of Saxony but also scientists, artists, craftsmen, soldiers, farmers, children as well as horses and dogs. It is the World's greatest porcelain picture.


task: With all members of your group form your own “Fürstenzug.” Try to look noble (xD) and take a photo from the side! Try to be the better “Fürstenzug”! Again, for every stranger that participates you get 1 extra point!

solved: Yes/No

time: _______________

notes: _______________


What are the names of the first and the last pictured ruler? (2 points)


How many tiles does the Fürstenzug consists of? (1 point)


Which one of those pictured persons has been the most famous ruler in Saxony? (1 point)



Dresden's most beautiful baroque example of construction is the “Zwinger” which was built from 1710 to 1733 by the famous architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann. It is made out of the sandstone from the river Elbe. The name “Zwinger” comes from its original location: it was “forced” (zwingen = to force) between inner and outer battlement. In former times it was used as an orangery. Among others, Balthasar Permoser built unique and magnificient sculptures that prettified the buildings. Today you can find the Artgallery here, summer concerts, a porcelain collection, etc.


task: 3 different group members have to dance the Waltz with a stranger. It is not allowed for the group members to dance with exactly the same stranger.

solved: Yes/No

time: _______________

notes: _______________


Which famous painting of Raffael can you find here? (1 point)


What material are the bells of the “Glockenpavillon” made of? (1 point)



Well done! We hope that you enjoyed this interactive tour through Dresden! Please hand these papers to your accompanying person (from ESN TU Dresden or Faranto) and go back to our meeting point (Theaterplatz).

Total points: _____________