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firmware foo

cbsd als Verwaltung für eine Instanz FreeBSD mit bhyve

Verwaltung vom Netzwerk
statische Adresse für IPv4

Hinzufügen in /etc/rc.conf

Configuring the Network Card
ifconfig_dc0="inet netmask"
statische Adresse für IPv4 als standardmäßiges Gateway

Hinzufügen in /etc/rc.conf

Routing Basics
Verwaltung von Paketen

(schnelles und dreckiges) Ersetzen in /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf

####  url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/quarterly",
  url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest",

Aktualisieren der installierten Pakete

root@freebsd:/usr/home/administration # pkg upg -y

(testweises) Installieren vom Paket ddate (aus göttingegebenen Gründen)

root@freebsd:/usr/home/administration # pkg ins -y ddate
Paket cbsd

Installieren vom Paket cbsd

root@freebsd:/usr/home/administration # pkg ins -y cbsd

Erstellen von einem Dataset für ZFS für cbsd (am beliebigen Ort und dabei als pseudohaften persönlichen Ordner für den Account cbsd)

root@freebsd:/usr/home/administration # zfs create zroot/usr/home/cbsd

Initialisieren (Einrichten) der Anwendung ''cbsd'' mit der standardmäßigen Angabe vom Ordner für den Arbeitsbereich (der Anwendung ''cbsd'') und dabei als das zuvor für ''cbsd'' erstellte Dataset für ZFS
root@freebsd:/usr/home/administration # env workdir="/usr/home/cbsd" /usr/local/cbsd/sudoexec/initenv
-------[CBSD v.12.0.2]-------
 This is install/upgrade scripts for CBSD.
 Don't forget to backup.
Do you want prepare or upgrade hier environment for CBSD now?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
>>> Installing or upgrading
[Stage 1: account & dir hier]
 * Check hier and permission...
./.rssh missing (created)
./.ssh missing (created)
./.ssh/sockets missing (created)
./basejail missing (created)
./bin missing (created)
./etc missing (created)
./etc/defaults missing (created)
./export missing (created)
./ftmp missing (created)
./import missing (created)
./jailctl missing (created)
./jails missing (created)
./jails-data missing (created)
./jails-fstab missing (created)
./jails-rcconf missing (created)
./jails-system missing (created)
./job missing (created)
./lib missing (created)
./misc missing (created)
./nodectl missing (created)
./rc.d missing (created)
./sbin missing (created)
./share missing (created)
./share/dialog missing (created)
./share/helpers missing (created)
./share/FreeBSD-jail-puppet-skel missing (created)
./share/FreeBSD-jail-skel missing (created)
./share/FreeBSD-jail-vnet-skel missing (created)
./share/emulators missing (created)
./src missing (created)
./sudoexec missing (created)
./system missing (created)
./tmp missing (created)
./tools missing (created)
./var missing (created)
./var/cron missing (created)
./var/cron/tabs missing (created)
./var/db missing (created)
./var/log missing (created)
./var/mail missing (created)
./var/run missing (created)
./var/spool missing (created)
 * write directory id: jaildatadir
 * write directory id: jailsysdir
 * write directory id: jailrcconfdir
 * write directory id: dbdir
[Stage 2: build tools]
Shall i add cbsd user into /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/cbsd_sudoers sudo file to obtain root privileges for the most cbsd commands?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
[Stage 3: local settings]
Shall i modify the /etc/rc.conf to sets cbsd_workdir="/usr/home/cbsd"?: 
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/etc/rc.conf: cbsd_workdir:  -> /usr/home/cbsd
[Stage 4: update default skel resolv.conf]
[Stage 5: refreshing inventory]
nodename: Short form nodename for this host e.g. like hostname. Warning: this operation will recreate the ssh keys in /usr/home/cbsd/.ssh dir: freebsd.box.sr100038.stura.htw-dresden.de

Empty inventory database created: /usr/home/cbsd/var/db/inv.freebsd.box.sr100038.stura.htw-dresden.de.sqlite
nodeip: Node management IPv4 or IPv6 address (used for node interconnection), e.g:

jnameserver: Jails default DNS name-server (for jails resolv.conf), e.g.:,,
nodeippool: Jail pool IP address range (networks for jails)
Hint: use space as delimiter for multiple networks, e.g.:

nat_enable: Enable NAT for RFC1918 networks?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
Which NAT framework do you want to use: [pf]
(type FW name, eg pf,ipfw,ipfilter, 'disable' or '0' to CBSD NAT, "exit" for break)

Set IP address or NIC as the aliasing NAT address or interface, e.g:

Do you want to modify /boot/loader.conf to set pf_load=YES ?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/boot/loader.conf: pf_load:  -> YES
fbsdrepo: Use official FreeBSD repository? When no (0) repository of CBSD is preferred (usefull for stable=1) for fetching base/kernel?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
zfsfeat: You are running on a ZFS-based system. Enable ZFS feature?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
parallel: Parallel mode stop/start ?
(0 - no parallel or positive value (in seconds) as timeout for next parallel sequence) e.g: 5

stable: Use STABLE branch instead of RELEASE by default ? Attention: only CBSD repository have binary base for STABLE branch ?
(STABLE_X instead of RELEASE_X_Y branch for base/kernel will be used), e.g.: 0 (use release)

sqlreplica: Enable sqlite3 replication to remote nodes ?
(0 - no replica, 1 - try to replicate all local events to remote nodes) e.g: 1

statsd_bhyve_enable: Configure CBSD statsd services for collect RACCT bhyve statistics? ?

statsd_jail_enable: Configure CBSD statsd services for collect RACCT jail statistics? ?
statsd_hoster_enable: Configure CBSD statsd services for collect RACCT hoster statistics? ?
[Stage 6: authentication keys]
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /usr/home/cbsd/.ssh/8c1c96c6e2539cf7e8e47ecc35df6b32.id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /usr/home/cbsd/.ssh/8c1c96c6e2539cf7e8e47ecc35df6b32.id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:GYfU+wY4iNaI9w9ilmbe4TAVq+Mtwv0fuuiTp7dUDck root@freebsd.box.sr100038.stura.htw-dresden.de
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|        ..       |
|      .o o.      |
|   . + +E...     |
|  . = = o*o      |
|   o =  S..o     |
|    % +.    o    |
| . O X.+.  .     |
|  o Bo*...       |
|   o+B=+.        |
[Stage 7: modules]
Installing module pkg.d cmd: pkg
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: tzsetup
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: ssh
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: ftp
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: adduser
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: passwd
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: service
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: sysrc
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: userlist
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: grouplist
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: adduser-tui
Installing module bsdconf.d cmd: pw
Installing module zfsinstall.d cmd: zfsinstall
[Stage 9: cleanup]
 * Remove obsolete files...
Configure RSYNC services for jail migration?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
Shall i modify the /etc/rc.conf to sets cbsdrsyncd_enable="YES"
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/etc/rc.conf: cbsdrsyncd_enable:  -> YES
Do you want to modify /etc/rc.conf to set the cbsdrsyncd_flags="--config=/usr/home/cbsd/etc/rsyncd.conf" ?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/etc/rc.conf: cbsdrsyncd_flags:  -> --config=/usr/home/cbsd/etc/rsyncd.conf
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/cbsdrsyncd: required_files:  -> 
Starting cbsdrsyncd.
Do you want to enable RACCT feature for resource accounting?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
Shall i modify the /etc/rc.conf to sets cbsdd_enable=YES ?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/etc/rc.conf: cbsdd_enable:  -> YES
Shall i modify the /etc/rc.conf to sets rcshutdown_timeout="900"?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/etc/rc.conf: rcshutdown_timeout: 90 -> 900
Shall i modify default SSH daemon port from 22 to 22222 on this host via /etc/rc.conf and sshd_flags="-oPort=22222" which is default for cbsd?
[yes(1) or no(0)]
/etc/rc.conf: sshd_flags:  -> -oPort=22222
[Stage X: upgrading]
  * Insert default topology into vm_cpu_topology table
  * Insert small1 group into vmpackage table
>>> Done
  First CBSD initialization complete.

  Now your can run:
  service cbsdd start
  to run CBSD services.

  For change initenv settings in next time, use:
  cbsd initenv-tui

  Also don't forget to execute:
  cbsd initenv
  every time when you upgrade CBSD version.