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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 20: Zeile 20:
* [[Faranto e. V.:Länderparty/Protokoll Aqua 07.03.2014 | Protokoll Aqua 07.03.2014]]
* [[Faranto e. V.:Länderparty/Protokoll Aqua 07.03.2014 | Protokoll Aqua 07.03.2014]]

== Kontakt zu den Incomings ==
== Tutorenmail an die Exchangestudents ==
'''''Tutorenmail an die Exchangestudents'''''
''Hey hey hey guys!
''Hey hey hey guys!

We hope you enjoyed the last Länderparty. Now it is your turn to prepare the next one! There will be two groupes of exchange students: ……… will prepare something typical to eat, and ………….. should think about some interactive game in the beginning of the next party. Maybe you can also mix the teams, so everybody can bring some food from their country.  
We hope you enjoyed the last Länderparty. Now it is your turn to prepare the next one! There will be two groupes of exchange students: ……… will prepare something typical to eat, and ………….. should think about some interactive game in the beginning of the next party. Maybe you can also mix the teams, so everybody can bring some food from their country.  
Your tutor for that event is me - (mailaddi). I am looking forward to help you with that and I would please you to collect some ideas and write me the concept until ………. If we find a date, we can also meet during the next week.''
Your tutor for that event is me - (mailaddi). I am looking forward to help you with that and I would please you to collect some ideas and write me the concept until ………. If we find a date, we can also meet during the next week.''
* Da die Kommunikation per Mail nicht zu vollen Erfolg führt, werden die Incomings zusätzlich persönlich im Facebook angeschrieben oder wenn möglich per SMS benachrichtigt.
* Es soll eine Speise und ein Spiel für den internen Teil vorbereitet werden.

== Flyer und Plakate ==
== Flyer und Plakate ==

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