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Lauffähig noch einen Dump ziehen vom alten Plone4 und dann übertragen

  • noch portaudit installieren


Plone 4.0.5 via UnifiedInstaller installieren. --password=<password>  standalone

Plone 4.0.5 to 4.1 fehlgeschlagen

  • im verzeichnis von …/GenericSetup die rolemap.xml angelegt

link : [1]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATBooleanCriterion" acquire="True">
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   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATCurrentAuthorCriterion" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATDateCriteria" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATDateRangeCriterion" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATListCriterion" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATPathCriterion" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATPortalTypeCriterion" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
   <permission name="ATContentTypes Topic: Add ATReferenceCriterion" acquire="True">
     <role name="Contributor"/>
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     <role name="Contributor"/>
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      <role name="Editor"/>



[X] THREADS               Enable threads support in APR
[ ] MYSQL                 Enable MySQL support for apr-dbd
[ ] PGSQL                 Enable PostgreSQL support for apr-dbd
[ ] SQLITE                Enable SQLite support for apr-dbd
[X] IPV6                  Enable IPv6 support
[ ] BDB                   Enable BerkeleyDB dbm
[X] AUTH_BASIC            Enable mod_auth_basic
[X] AUTH_DIGEST           Enable mod_auth_digest
[X] AUTHN_FILE            Enable mod_authn_file
[ ] AUTHN_DBD             Enable mod_authn_dbd
[X] AUTHN_DBM             Enable mod_authn_dbm
[X] AUTHN_ANON            Enable mod_authn_anon
[X] AUTHN_DEFAULT         Enable mod_authn_default
[X] AUTHN_ALIAS           Enable mod_authn_alias
[X] AUTHZ_HOST            Enable mod_authz_host
[X] AUTHZ_GROUPFILE       Enable mod_authz_groupfile
[X] AUTHZ_USER            Enable mod_authz_user
[X] AUTHZ_DBM             Enable mod_authz_dbm
[X] AUTHZ_OWNER           Enable mod_authz_owner
[X] AUTHZ_DEFAULT         Enable mod_authz_default
[X] CACHE                 Enable mod_cache
[X] DISK_CACHE            Enable mod_disk_cache
[X] FILE_CACHE            Enable mod_file_cache 
[X] MEM_CACHE             Enable mod_mem_cache
[X] DAV                   Enable mod_dav
[X] DAV_FS                Enable mod_dav_fs
[ ] BUCKETEER             Enable mod_bucketeer
[ ] CASE_FILTER           Enable mod_case_filter
[ ] CASE_FILTER_IN        Enable mod_case_filter_in
[ ] EXT_FILTER            Enable mod_ext_filter
[ ] LOG_FORENSIC          Enable mod_log_forensic
[ ] OPTIONAL_HOOK_EXPORT  Enable mod_optional_hook_export
[ ] OPTIONAL_HOOK_IMPORT  Enable mod_optional_hook_import
[ ] OPTIONAL_FN_IMPORT    Enable mod_optional_fn_import
[ ] OPTIONAL_FN_EXPORT    Enable mod_optional_fn_export
[ ] LDAP                  Enable mod_ldap
[ ] AUTHNZ_LDAP           Enable mod_authnz_ldap
[X] ACTIONS               Enable mod_actions
[X] ALIAS                 Enable mod_alias
[X] ASIS                  Enable mod_asis
[X] AUTOINDEX             Enable mod_autoindex
[X] CERN_META             Enable mod_cern_meta
[ ] CGI                   Enable mod_cgi
[X] CHARSET_LITE          Enable mod_charset_lite
[ ] DBD                   Enable mod_dbd
[X] DEFLATE               Enable mod_deflate
[X] DIR                   Enable mod_dir
[X] DUMPIO                Enable mod_dumpio
[X] ENV                   Enable mod_env
[X] EXPIRES               Enable mod_expires
[X] HEADERS               Enable mod_headers
[X] IMAGEMAP              Enable mod_imagemap
[X] INCLUDE               Enable mod_include
[X] INFO                  Enable mod_info
[X] LOG_CONFIG            Enable mod_log_config
[X] LOGIO                 Enable mod_logio
[X] MIME                  Enable mod_mime
[X] MIME_MAGIC            Enable mod_mime_magic
[X] NEGOTIATION           Enable mod_negotiation
[X] REWRITE               Enable mod_rewrite
[X] SETENVIF              Enable mod_setenvif
[X] SPELING               Enable mod_speling
[X] STATUS                Enable mod_status
[ ] UNIQUE_ID             Enable mod_unique_id
[ ] USERDIR               Enable mod_userdir
[ ] USERTRACK             Enable mod_usertrack
[X] VHOST_ALIAS           Enable mod_vhost_alias
[X] FILTER                Enable mod_filte
[ ] SUBSTITUTE            Enable mod_substitute
[X] VERSION               Enable mod_version
[X] PROXY                 Enable mod_proxy
[X] PROXY_CONNECT         Enable mod_proxy_connect
[X] PATCH_PROXY_CONNECT   Patch proxy_connect SSL support
[ ] PROXY_FTP             Enable mod_proxy_ftp
[X] PROXY_HTTP            Enable mod_proxy_http
[ ] PROXY_AJP             Enable mod_proxy_ajp
[X] PROXY_BALANCER        Enable mod_proxy_balancer
[ ] PROXY_SCGI            Enable mod_proxy_scgi
[X] SSL                   Enable mod_ssl
[ ] SUEXEC                Enable mod_suexec
[ ] SUEXEC_RSRCLIMIT      SuEXEC rlimits based on login class
[X] REQTIMEOUT            Enable mod_reqtimeout
[ ] CGID                  Enable mod_cgid


[X] THREADS    Enable Threads in apr
[X] IPV6       Enable IPV6 Support in apr
[X] BDB        Enable Berkley BDB support in apr-util
[X] GDBM       Enable GNU dbm support in apr-util
[ ] LDAP       Enable LDAP support in apr-util
[ ] MYSQL      Enable MySQL suport in apr-util
[ ] NDBM       Enable NDBM support in apr-util
[ ] PGSQL      Enable Postgresql suport in apr-util
[ ] SQLITE     Enable SQLite3 support in apr-util
[X] DEVRANDOM  Use /dev/random or compatible in apr


[ ] COMPAT  dbm/ndbm compatibility


[X] THREADS          Enable thread support
[ ] HUGE_STACK_SIZE  Use a larger thread stack
[ ] SEM              Use POSIX semaphores (experimental)
[ ] PTH              Use GNU Pth for threading/multiprocessing
[X] UCS4             Use UCS4 for unicode support
[X] PYMALLOC         Use python's internal malloc
[X] IPV6             Enable IPv6 support
[ ] FPECTL           Enable floating point exception handling

Konfiguration der Programme


für Backup aktivierung
  • in die buildout.cfg schreiben unter der überschrift [buildout]
########################################## ##
# Parts Specification
# Specifies the components that should be included in the buildout.
# All the basics are in the base.cfg extension; you may add your
# own if you need them at the end of this file.
parts =
########################################## ##
# Backup Directory
# ----------------
# Sets the target directory for the bin/backup and bin/snapshotbackup
# commands. Default is inside this project's var directory, but ideally
# this should be on a separate volume or backup server.
  • [backup] am Schluss hin schreiben und weitere Parameter eintragen
keep = 4
full = true
debug = true
gzip = true
enable_snapshotrestore = true
#Plone backup
0 1 * * 6 <who> | gzip > /path/to/backup/db/plonedump_`date +%y_%m_%d`.gz && rm 


  • httpd.conf

ServerTokens ProductOnly
ServerSignature Off

  • extra/httpd-vhost.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>

# A sample VirtualHost section for using Apache as a webserver
# instead of Zope.
# ServerName is the url of your website.

ServerName <domain>
# ServerName
# Add serverAlias lines for other domain names that should
# point to this website. They will be rewritten by Apache to
# the ServerName, so that anyone going to
# will be invisibly redirected to in their browser.

ServerAlias domain

# ServerAdmin is your email address, which shows up on error
# pages when Apache cannot connect to Zope.

ServerAdmin adminmail

# The ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse lines are the magic
# ingredients. They rewite requests to and
# pass the entire request through to Zope on
# The VirtualHostBase ensures that
# when the page goes back to the browser, it goes out through
# Apache, and appears to have come from

# The line is made up from:

# ProxyPass or ProxyPassReverse

# / is the url at that you wish to use to
# point to the Zope site. You could keep as a
# flat HTML site in Apache, and replace / with /zope to make
# http://site/com/zope point to your zope site.
# is the address that your zope is
# running on.

# /VirtualHostBase/http/ makes sure that zope
# *thinks* it is running at instead of at
# You don't have to do anything else
# in Zope to make this work.

# /yourplonesite is the location of your Plone Site within Zope.
# If you added a Plone Site into the root of your Zope with an id
# of 'mysite', then you just change this bit to /mysite

# /VirtualHostRoot/ makes your Plone site think it is the root of the site.

ProxyPass /<domain>:80/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/
ProxyPassReverse /<domain>:80/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/

# CacheRoot is the location on the filesystem to store files that
# Apache caches. This directory must be created, and the user that
# Apache runs as must have full write permissions to it.
# It's a bad idea to create this in the /tmp directory, as the
# directory itself will then be deleted when you reboot.

CacheRoot "/var/cache/"
CacheEnable disk /

# CacheSize determines how big this cache can get in KB. It's a
# good idea that this number is about 30% less than the available
# space in the CacheRoot directory. Here we choose to cache 100MB
# of data, which is enough for a personal website, but not for
# anything larger.
MCacheSize 524288
MCacheMaxObjectCount 100000
MCacheMinObjectSize 1
MCacheMaxObjectSize 200000
# CacheGcInterval specifies how often (in hours) to examine the
# cache and delete obsolete files.
#CacheGcInterval 2

# CacheLastModifiedFactor allows the estimation of an expiry date
# for a page if it doesn't have an expiry-date specified in the
# HTTP headers returned from Zope. This is based on (time since
# last modification * CacheLastModifiedFactor), so that content
# that is ten hours old would be given an expiry date of 1 hour in
# the future.
CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1

# CacheDefaultExpire sets a default expiry time of 0,5 hour into the
# future for cached pages.
CacheDefaultExpire 0.5

# CacheDirLength sets the number of characters used in directory
# names for subdirectories of CacheRoot
CacheDirLength 3

# The following definitions set expiry times for various content
# types. In this list, each content type defined is cached for a
# maximum period of 1 hour (3600 seconds) before it must be checked
# again. Non-listed content types are not cached.

ExpiresActive On
expiresByType image/ief A3600
ExpiresByType image/tiff A3600
ExpiresByType image/bmp A3600
ExpiresByType image/gif A3600
ExpiresByType image/png A3600
ExpiresByType image/jpeg A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-cmu-raster A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-portable-anymap A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-portable-bitmap A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-portable-graymap A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-portable-pixmap A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-rgb  A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-xbitmap A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-xpixmap A3600
ExpiresByType image/x-xwindowdump A3600
ExpiresByType text/css A3600
ExpiresByType text/javascript A3600
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A3600
ExpiresByType text/html A3600
ExpiresByType text/xml A3600

# CustomLog "/var/log/" common



  • [ PDF File für Plone4 Backup]