Bearbeiten von „StuRa:Server/Nextcloud

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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 1.134: Zeile 1.134:
Fix broken values of calendar objects
Fix broken values of calendar objects
     0/0 [----->----------------------]  0%
     0/0 [----->----------------------]  0%
Updated <dav> to 1.15.0
Updated <dav> to 1.15.0
Updating <files_sharing> ...
Updating <files_sharing> ...
Zeile 1.937: Zeile 1.935:
Security & setup warnings
It's important for the security and performance of your instance that everything is configured correctly. To help you with that we are doing some automatic checks. Please see the linked documentation for more information.
There are some warnings regarding your setup.
Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. Due to the fact that changing column types on big tables could take some time they were not changed automatically. By running 'occ db:convert-filecache-bigint' those pending changes could be applied manually. This operation needs to be made while the instance is offline. For further details read the documentation page about this.
: <code>su - -s /bin/bash  www-data -c 'php /var/www/nextcloud/occ db:convert-filecache-bigint'</code>
Following columns will be updated:
* filecache_extended.fileid
This can take up to hours, depending on the number of files in your instance!
Continue with the conversion (y/n)? [n] y
Security & setup warnings
It's important for the security and performance of your instance that everything is configured correctly. To help you with that we are doing some automatic checks. Please see the linked documentation for more information.
There are some errors regarding your setup.
    Last background job execution ran 1 hour ago. Something seems wrong. Check the background job settings
Background jobs
Some jobs didn’t execute since 5 months ago. Please consider switching to system cron.
For optimal performance it's important to configure background jobs correctly. For bigger instances 'Cron' is the recommended setting. Please see the documentation for more information.
Pick background job setting
Execute one task with each page loaded
cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP.
Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes. The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user "www-data".
[ ] Webcron
[ ] Cron
[ ] AJAX
[ ] Webcron
[O] Cron


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