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[X] KQUEUE    kqueue(2) support
[X] SSL       SSL support
[ ] GSSAPI    GSSAPI support
[ ] VPOPMAIL  vpopmail support
[ ] LDAP      OpenLDAP support
[ ] PGSQL     PostgreSQL support
[X] MYSQL     MySQL support
[ ] SQLITE    SQLite support 


[ ] SENDMAIL  for use with sendmail
[ ] EXIM3     for use with exim3
[ ] EXIM4     for use with exim4
[X] POSTFIX   for use with postfix
[ ] COURIER   for use with courier
[ ] CHINESE   support for Chinese mailing lists
[ ] HTDIG     htdig integration patches
[ ] NAMAZU2   make private archives searchable with namazu2


[X] OPENSSL  Enable SSL support
[ ] FASTMTX  Replace mutexes with spinlocks 


[X] OPENSSL  Enable SSL support
[ ] FASTMTX  Replace mutexes with spinlocks 


[X] THREADS          Enable thread support
[ ] HUGE_STACK_SIZE  Use a larger thread stack
[ ] SEM              Use POSIX semaphores (experimental)
[ ] PTH              Use GNU Pth for threading/multiprocessing
[X] UCS4             Use UCS4 for unicode support
[X] PYMALLOC         Use python's internal malloc
[X] IPV6             Enable IPv6 support
[ ] FPECTL           Enable floating point exception handling

ohne config

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